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Struggle Less, BE More
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Become A Force to Be Reckoned With

Are you a little bored?  Does your life seem a little weak at the moment? It’s time for you to recognize that this whole time you’ve been drifting…or waiting, the wheel is right in front of you and your foot is near the gas pedal: you’re still sitting in the drivers seat of your life! […]

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Spring Yourself Forward

Why not set more than just your clocks forward this week?  How about setting yourself forward by moving your own motivation into “spring” mode? It is time. Winter (in the northern hemisphere) has been long enough.  Yes, it’s still a little cold, dark and wet.  But you know that change is afoot. Are you awake […]

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Maximize What You Already Have

Some of you, by nature, are maximizers—you endeavor to get the most out of everything.  You get the last remaining bit of toothpaste out of the tube…and then manage to squeeze out enough for 5 more brushings.  And you enjoy the accomplishment. And some of you are not maximizers.  You don’t know it, but you […]

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Fall Deeper In Love in order to Prosper

We’re already well into this year and it’s time for you to shift into a higher gear, isn’t it? But how do you find a way to kick it in, given that you have the usual winter blahs: it’s cold, it’s dark and how long is this season / recession / coldness etc. going to […]

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Commit to Less, More Seriously, This Year

What’s the chance that you will focus your life and your work this year? I’m asking because it really is a decision.  And one that matters if you want to look back with accomplishment at the end of the year. Some professionals will spend most of their time and attention scattered this coming year-investing in […]

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Really Cool Gifts To Give A Business

If  you want 2011 to be a stellar year, end this year well by giving your employees (and customers) three big gifts. These gifts are often at the heart of most holiday stories, yet they hold power and promise for your workplace, every bit as much as they do for your life.  And best of […]

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Wake Up To Help Your Business Succeed

If you really want to be the creative force in your industry and your business…the simplest step is to make sure you’re awake and paying attention to your own reality. A lot of companies are in pause mode—waiting for clarity about the economy, future prospects, expenses, etc.  And that can lead to drowsiness within the […]

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Be Conservative and Take Risks: The Work of a Leader

Are you an opportunist?   Do you want to grow your business, even while everyone else is anticipating stagnation or even a decrease in growth? Then you’ll need to be able to make a critical distinction between the two faces of your business: your internal operations and your work in the marketplace.  Because, depending upon your […]

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Inspire Confidence in Uncertain Times

In these uncertain economic times a leadership trait that often separates the survivors from the rest becomes glaringly obvious: the ability to inspire confidence. If you’re a leader in your work, your industry, even your home…the ability to inspire confidence when all else around you is not going well….is a hallmark of true leadership. Observing […]

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Take A Vacation to Get Ahead

Take A Vacation, Get Ahead In most other western countries of the world, the idea of taking vacations and holidays is ingrained as part of the culture.  Going “on holiday” is seen as beneficial and normal behavior.  Not so in the United States. Therefore, if you have that work ethic that finds you bragging about […]

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